The School observed ‘Swachhata Pakhwara’ with great zeal and verve from 2nd-14th September.

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Swachhata Pakhwada


The School observed ‘Swachhata Pakhwara’ with great zeal and verve from 2nd-14th September. The fortnight was aimed at an intense focus on the issues and practices of Swachhata. The activities were designed to reinforce the follow up of clean practices, create awareness about proper hygiene of both personal and public spaces, promote environmental consciousness and accountability of all shared spaces.

A special assembly on the ‘Importance of Cleanliness was held on 2nd September to give an apt beginning to the programme. Tanusha and Nitisha of Class VIII gave a short talk on the importance of cleanliness in our daily lives and the entire School Community took the ‘Swachhata Shapath’. In the following week, all the 750 girls worked earnestly under the ‘Academic Block Cleaning Drive’.

The School observed Teachers’ Day as ‘No Plastic’ Day. Under Green School Drive, all the 715 girls watered and cared for their respective saplings planted recently on the Campus.

On …. a rally was carried out by the girls to educate the community regarding hazardous effects of rampant use of plastic bags. They also presented a ‘Nukkad-Natak’ highlighting the importance of cleanliness and discouraging the use of polythene bags.

Through the ‘Poster-Making’ and ‘Slogan-Writing’ activities held on ……, the girls shared their vision, hope and achievements in the sphere of cleanliness. Later, the students’ creative work and expressions were displayed under ‘Swachhata School Exhibition’, which caught everyone’s attention and was appreciated by all.  

Girls of Classes IV-VIII also wrote post cards to their parents describing their experience of getting involved in different activities conducted during ‘Swachhata Pakhwada’.

Overall it was an encouraging experience for the community. The entire VDJS Fraternity participated whole heartedly in this programme and showcased their commitment towards ‘Swatchhta Aandolan’.