Round Square Post Card Event

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Round Square Post Card Event.

A team of six short-listed students along with the Round Square representative Ms. Sunita Verma and teacher in-charge Ms. Sperdha Rathore attended an online postcard event on 27th February 2025. The event was a culmination of young talent from across the globe where the top schools of the country like Mayo College Girls, Punjab Public School, Dhirubhai Ambani School, TSS, TMC and ISK were hosted by St George Diocesan School for a discussion on, Benefits of Social Media on the Youth of My Country. The students in a span of about an hour and a half indulged in ice-breaking sessions, group discussions and carefully analyzed the topic. Through brainstorming and illustrations via power point presentation each team of about three to five participants presented their views on the topic and added wisdom of words to the stand of the event.

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