Independence Day Celebration
Marking the glory of the sacrifices of the great freedom fighters and martyrs like Bhagat Singh, Rajguru, Sukhdev, and Khudiram Bose to liberate India from foreign control, the 78th Independence Day was celebrated at VDJS with patriotic fervour. The Principal, Ms Naina Dhillon, hoisted the tricolour flag, a symbol of harmony and prosperity, and unity. The Head Girl, Lavanya Singh, addressed the gathering and exhorted the significance of the day and how the present generation is committed to the value of freedom for which the forefathers laid their lives and to further promote the life values for a glorious India.
The celebration reverberated with the cultural extravaganza of Inter-House Folk Dance and Patriotic Group Song Competitions wherein the lyrical renditions paid homage to the all-benevolent, motherland, land of brotherhood, and life-nurturing values and vowed to protect it by all means. The Gujarati dance was hued with energy and synchronisation of Dandiya Raas. The sharp moves on the thumping beats of Devarattam, traditionally performed by the Transgender community in South India, presented spiritual inclusivity and acceptance. The dynamic movements of Dhamal dance from Haryana narrated stories of agricultural triumphs and festivities. The traditional dance from Orissa, Naukhai, celebrated the harvest season through intricate footwork and mesmerising expressions. A special highlight of the celebration was the performances by the girls of Dobi Kanya Gurukul that infused the gathering with awe for their spirited singing and Yoga aasanas.