From the 16th to the 20th of November, six students and one teacher from Vidya Devi Jindal
School attended the THIMUN affiliated AMMUN Conference XXI – 2022, which was hosted
by Amman Baccalaureate School, Jordan.
17 th November 2022
Students visited world famous Petra, which was once a thriving trading centre and the capital
of the Nabataean empire between 400 B.C. and A.D. 106. In 1985, the Petra Archaeological
Park was declared a UNESCO World Heritage site, and in 2007 it was named one of the new
seven wonders of the world. The students wore kufiya – the traditional scarf and enjoyed the
camel ride.
18th November 2022 : MUN Opening
The day consisted of four committee sessions where resolutions on the respective topics
were formed and blocs and alliances were formed.
19th November 2022: MUN 2
The session began with the opening speeches of the delegates explaining their countries stand
and foreign policies and then was further proceeded by discussing resolutions.
20th November 2022: MUN Closing Ceremony
The last day of the UNSC committee was the most interesting because there was a war
stimulus between India and Pakistan over the integration of Kashmir, which was won by
India and earned 30 credits.
The closing ceremony began with the media video of the AMMUN which was thoroughly
enjoyed by all, which was then followed by a speech by . The Director of the ABS, Her
Excellency Princess Sumaya bint Hassan motivated the students with her words of wisdom.
After the speech given by the presidents of the respective committees, the Secretary General
announced the AMMUN XXI CLOSED.
21st November 2022: DEPARTURE
The team departed from The Grand Hyatt Hotel at 10 hours in the morning and reached
Bahrain at 15:30 hours. There was a five-hour layover, and students explored the airport of
Bahrain. They boarded a flight for Delhi from Bahrain at 20:00 hours and landed at Delhi
airport at 3:00 AM in the morning.
“AMMUN XXI offered something to all the delegates. They found friends, mentors and
cherished memories in the span of the unforgettable seven days spent in the golden country of
Jordan. This conference laid another stone in their foundation, one that will sustain all events
in their near future.”
DAY 4: 19th November 2022: MUN 2
The session began with the opening speeches of the delegates explaining their countries stand
and foreign policies and then was further proceeded by discussing resolutions.
The committee session began with delegates introducing their country’s stand on the topics
and announcing their allies and the bloc they belong to. Then the resolutions on the first
topic, the Turkish-Kurdish Conflict, were debated on and none was passed even after
amendments causing the topic to fail. Later, the delegate of India’s resolution was passed
after amendments. Then in the second half we discussed resolutions on the Yemen Civil War
which were passed after several amendments.
General Assembly 3: The session began with the opening speeches on the written resolutions
and debated on the same and then amendments were made followed by formal voting
procedure. Three out of four were voted on.
UNEC: Day two began with opening speeches by countries explaining their stands on the
decided topics. Then resolutions were debated upon and Parneet’s resolution was passed, with
full majority.
The countries at first explained the status of their country and their foreign policy regarding
each topic. Then there was debate on the resolutions on the topic of gender based violence, in
which all the resolutions of the delegate of USA passed with a good majority. The resolutions
spoke about how providing household support to the victims can reinforce their decision to
come out of the toxic environment.
DAY 5: 20th November 2022: MUN Closing Ceremony
The last day of the UNSC committee was the most interesting because there was a war
stimulus between India and Pakistan over the integration of Kashmir, which was won by
India and earned 30 credits and finally Pakistan had to sign on to the resolution of full
integration of Kashmir into India. The session concluded with the Advisory Panel presenting
its resolution on the Somalia Crisis and the committee gave its approval. By the end the
committee had passed 5 out of 7 resolutions out of which 3 were Indian resolutions. Samaira
and Supriya got appreciation from the Executive Board, for their excellent diplomacy.
General Assembly 3:
The procedure was continued on the next day too. In total seven resolutions passed out of
nine resolutions.
On day three all Parneet’s resolutions were passed and she was appreciated for her diplomacy
and friendly nature during the conference. She was bestowed with the title of ‘Sweetest
The discussion on the topics on North Korea and Yemen civil war continued and further
resolutions were discussed.
The closing ceremony began with the media video of the AMMUN which was thoroughly
enjoyed by all, which was then followed by a speech by . The Director of the ABS, Her
Excellency Princess Sumaya bint Hassan motivated the students with her words of wisdom.
After the speech given by the presidents of the respective committees, the Secretary General
announced the AMMUN XXI CLOSED.
DAY 6: 21st November 2022: DEPARTURE
The team departed from The Grand Hyatt Hotel at 10 hours in the morning and reached
Bahrain at 15:30 hours. There was a five hour layover, and students explored the airport of
Bahrain. They boarded a flight for Delhi from Bahrain at 20:00 hours and landed at Delhi
airport at 3:00 AM in the morning.
“Experiences are your best teachers, something I learnt at Jordan. It is necessary that you
experience every bit and every part of the world like a learner to learn with every step you
Supriya Mandke
“ The best experiences are the ones cherished by heart and AMMUN XXI was surely one of
them. From the formal UNSC conference, to being late for early morning breakfasts, every
day spent there was worth it !”
Samaira Kaur
“AMMUN XXI offered something to all of us. We all found friends, mentors and cherished
memories in the span of the unforgettable seven days spent in the golden country of Jordan.
This conference laid another stone in my foundation, one that will sustain all events in my
near future.”
Lavanya Singh
“These were truly the days I will remember”. This was the best experience I ever had and
will never forget. After coming from AMMUN XXI, it has changed my perspective towards
life and has given me a new ray of hope. This has given me immense hope and faith to one
day become representative in the United Nation.”
Parneet Kaur