Value Education Workshop for Students
Vidya Devi Jindal School, Hisar organiseda Value Education Workshop which was conducted for students of Classes IV-XII by BK Parul and BK Shivani Didi from the Om Shanti Retreat Center (ORC) on November 9, 2024. The primary aim of the workshop was to help students recognize, appreciate, and imbibe positive values in their daily lives through interactive activities. The session focused on self-awareness, mutual respect, and fostering gratitude towards nature, animals, and peers. ,to encourage students to reflect upon their own and others’ qualities to cultivate an attitude of gratitude and respect and to create an environment where positive reinforcement becomes a tool for personal growth and interpersonal harmony. The workshop began with an engaging activity where students were divided into groups and tasked with appreciating the qualities of animals and natural elements. The objective was to help students understand that every living being or element has unique characteristics that can teach valuable lessons. Students participated in activities such as Appreciating the Properties of Animals and Natural Elements, Creating a “Value Crown” for Peers. Writing Appreciative Qualities on Each Other’s Paper, Reflection on Personal and Peer Qualities. After the activities, students were encouraged to take a few moments to reflect on the positive qualities they had written about others. Self-awareness, Empathy and compassion, Mutual respect and gratitude and Mindfulness of nature and animals were some key takeaways. The Value Education Workshop was an enriching experience for the students. Through the various interactive activities, students learned the significance of values like kindness, respect, gratitude, and empathy.